Sunday, December 31, 2006


Well, Christmas is over and 2006 is winding down. My wife and I went out to lunch and we felt like the Roman god "Janus", looking backward and forward at the same time. 2006 was a good year. Mary made great strides in both her career and in her birding activities. Many of my library activities were very positive. The Friends of the Marathon County Public Library had an all-time record income to help support our library. I joined the Friends of the Minocqua Public Library as well and began to get involved in some of their activities. Wisconsin Valley Library Service had an excellent year and did a super job in helping the Northwoods Conference for Friends & Library Supporters be a success. I joined the board of WLTA and received a good education on the workings in Madison. I attended both the WAPL and WLA conferences and again expanded my knowledge. 2006 was very much a learning experience. Oh yes, and I started this infernal blog!

My wife and I also look forward to 2007 to potentially be an exciting year in most of the things we are involved in. In addition to acting on the knowledge we obtained in 2006 we see 2007 as another year of learning and expanding our horizons.

We wish you all the Happiest of New Years and that libraries and their supporters have an extremely successful and fulfilling year.


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